Cat News

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Most Top 10 Popular Cat Names

Popular Cat Names
There are many names for cats available on internet. Here are list of most top 10 popular cat names.
  1. Max
  2. Chloe
  3. Bella
  4. Oliver
  5. Tiger
  6. Smokey
  7. Tigger
  8. Lucy
  9. Shadow
  10. Angel
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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cat Breeds Videos

Top 20 Cat Breeds!

Large Domestic Cat Breeds

How to Identify Rare Cat Breeds

Top 30 Unusual Cat Breeds

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cat Body Condition And Cat Breeds Chart

Cat Body Condition Chart

Cat Breeds Chart

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Many Different Kinds of Cats

There are several kinds of cats which you can opt as a pet. If you would like to know about the different kinds of cat breeds around the world, then read on the following article.

Cats are the 2nd most popular pet animals after dogs. Cats are known for their courteous appearance and royal looks. They are truly pretty pets and though they do not put on their hearts on their sleeves, they prove to be excellent companions. Cats are very popular along with women and children. Cats might be fussy pets; however you will love to fuss around your kitty.

There are several different kinds of cats’ breeds and you have a large selection of domestic cats to choose from as pets. There are mainly 3 types of cats, the domestic long hair cats, short hair cats and hairless cats. There are no cats which are completely hairless, but the length and number of hair on these cats is actually fewer as compared to other cats.

You may have heard of mad cats or bored cats or perhaps naughty kind of cats. However have you heard of different kind of cat breeds? The following list will complete all kinds of cats which will assist broaden your horizon about the types of cats which are adopted world over.

List of all Kinds of Cats

Before we start enlisting the many different kinds of cat breeds; let us know about some tips which will help you make a decision concerning the best cat breed for you. You have to understand the temperament of the cat and notice if it tones up your lifestyle. You must consider whether you want a large cat or small cat and the time you are able to spend to work out your cat. You ought to also consider if the cat will be companionable with children in your home and if someone in the family is allergic to cat dander. If you are considering a long haired cat, then you must be able to spend sufficient time for cat grooming. Taking these tips under consideration, let us start enlisting all kinds of cats.

Types of Cats - Long Hair

  • Alpine Lynx
  • American Bobtail
  • Asian Semi-longhair (or Tiffanie)
  • Balinese Cats
  • Birman
  • British Longhair
  • Chantilly/Tiffany Cat
  • Desert Lynx
  • Highland Lynx
  • Himalayan Cats
  • Jaguarundi Curl
  • Javanese
  • Maine Coon
  • Nebelung
  • Norwegian Forest Cat
  • Oriental Longhair
  • Persian Cats
  • Ragdoll and Ragamuffin
  • Siberian
  • Somali
  • Turkish Van Cats
  • Turkish Angora Cats
  • York Chocolate Cat

Types of Cats - Short Hair

  • Abyssinian Cat
  • Alpine Lynx
  • American Shorthair
  • Australian Mist (or Spott Mist)
  • Bombay
  • British Shorthair
  • Burmese Cats
  • Burmilla
  • California Spangled Cat
  • Chartreux Cats
  • Colorpoint Shorthair
  • Desert Lynx
  • Highland Lynx
  • Egyptian Mau
  • European Shorthair
  • Exotic
  • Havana Brown
  • Jaguarundi Curl
  • Korat
  • Ocicat
  • Oriental Shorthair
  • Russian Blue
  • Siamese (and Traditional Siamese or Applehead Siamese)
  • Singapura
  • Snowshoe
  • Sokoke
  • Tonkinese

Types of Cats - Cross Breeds

  • Alpine Lynx
  • Bengal Cat Breed
  • Chausie
  • Desert Lynx
  • Highland Lynx
  • Jaguarundi Curl
  • Savannah cat breed
  • Serengeti
  • Toyger

Types of Cats - Mutation Breeds

  • American Bobtail
  • American Curl
  • American Wirehair
  • Cornish Rex
  • Cymric
  • Devon Rex
  • German Rex
  • Japanese Bobtail
  • Kurilian Bobtail
  • LaPerm
  • Manx Cats
  • Munchkin Cats
  • Ojos Azules
  • Peterbald
  • Pixie-bob
  • Selkirk Rex
  • Scottish Fold
  • Sphynx

What Kinds of Cats are Hypoallergenic?

There is no cat which is completely hypoallergenic, however there are a few cats which shed less than the others and hence are called as hypoallergenic. The following list of dissimilar kinds of cats breeds which are termed as hypoallergenic cat breeds. You can read more on cats for people with allergies.

  • Balinese
  • Oriental Shorthair
  • Javanese
  • Devon Rex
  • Cornish Rex
  • Sphynx
  • Siberian Cats
  • Russian Blue Cats

These are many different kinds of cats’ breeds which have showed to be the finest pets around the world. The long hair cats and short hair cats all have vary characters and temperaments. Lots of people bring home a cat under the thought whether these animals have small maintainability pets as compared to dogs. This is right, but only to a few extents. Cats also have their particular needs and requirements and cat health is a main problem. A fine cat care will make sure your cat remains healthy and happy. But an uncared for cat might suffer from several heath problems.

When you bring home a cat, remember that you will no longer be the master of your own home. Once the cat starts to faith you, it will take over your home. You will take pleasure in having a cat as a pet as these playful and inquisitive creatures will always be up to something interesting.
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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Domestic Cat Breeds

Cats are almost certainly the most popular of pets these days. Initially appreciated for their inbred capability to hunt different house pests such as mice and roaches, cats also offer a warm and loving companionship to their owners. In 1987, cats left behind dogs as the number one pet in America (about 50 million cats resided in 24 million homes in 1986) and about 37% of American homes nowadays have at least one cat. Domestication of cats were earliest believed to have originated in ancient Egypt in about 3000 BC, where cats were also valued as sacred animals. Domestic cat breeds come in different sizes. Some pet owners prefer little kitten-siz
ed ones, while some prefer big-size domestic cat breeds. When choosing pet cats, one should consider the breeds' characteristics additionally to its size. Here are just some of the big domestic cat breeds that are popular with cat-lovers.

The Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is a local of the state of Maine in the USA where it is alsothe official state cat. It is one of the biggest domestic cat breeds where the males can
weigh any where between 13 and 18 pounds (5.9 and 8.2 kg) on average, and females between 8 and 12 pounds (3.6 and 5.4 kg). In 2006, the Guinness World Records named a male purebred Maine Coon the "Longest Cat". It measured 48 inches (120 cm) in length,
from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail, and weighs 35 pounds (16 kg).

The Ragamuffin

The Ragamuffin is a long-haired domestic cat breeds. Ragamuffins are practically
y big cats - females weigh between 10 to 15 pounds (4.54 to 6.80 kg), and males weigh between 15 to 20 pounds (6.80 to 9.07 kg). Ragamuffins arenotable for their sweet, gracious personalities and plush, rabbit-like fur. They are adoptable as untimely as four months of age, but do not reach full maturity until around four years of age. The Ragamuffin is an costly breed and costs can range from $900 - $1200 per kitten.

The Ocicat

The Ocicat is an all-domestic cat breeds that are similar to a 'w
ild' cat but has no wild blood. It is named for its similarity to the ocelot that is a wild cat. Ocicats are a very friendly breed. They are generally considered to have the spirit of a dog in a cat's body. Most can simply be trained to fetch, walk on a leash and harness, come when called, speak, sit, and lie down on command. On average ocicats weigh about 12.1 pounds or 5.5 kilograms.

The Turkish Va

The Turkish Van is a big, semi-long-haired cat with a swimmer's body. The cat is reasonably long and its back legs are a little
longer than its front legs.
The coat is the most fascinat ing trait on this cat. The semi-long haired, water resistant single coat is thick in winter but very soft, like rabbit fur or cashmere. During the spring and summer months when it becomes really hot, the long hair on the body is shed for a shorter coat that retains the cashmere feel. Male Vans grow to about 16 pounds (7.3 kg) while females tend to be a bit lighter in
weight, 12 to 14 pounds (5.4 to 6.4 kg). Vans, because of their excellent fur, are hypo-allergenic cats. They are considered exceptional pets for those with allergies.


Pixie-Bobs are a
completely domestic cat breed bred to resemble the North American Bobcat.
Pixie-Bobs are a big breed, with males reaching 18 pounds (8 kg) and females reaching 14 pounds (6 kg). The Pixie-Bob's body is chunky and solid. Pixie-Bobs are also the only polydactyl breed recognized by The International Cat Association (TICA). These cats may have anywhere from six to seven toes on every foot.

These big-size domestic
cat breeds are only some of the ones available for pet purposes. It is vital to take note of the character of the breed of cat before we make a decision which ones to adopt, as this would extraordinarily affect the way we take care of them. Knowing such could help make things easier for us pet owners as we go about our endeavor in raising our pets

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

4 Helpful Point to Decide Which Cat Breed To Get!

If you are looking to buy a cat, you should consider the many different cat breeds out there. Since so many breeds, this can be a daunting task. Selecting the wrong breed can cause much suffering for you and your family as the wrong breed can be a maverick. But selecting the right is missing the spark you're looking to light up your home.

So here's four pointers to get you going.

1. Vocal or free cat?

Some cats can actually "meow" a lot and very hard too. If your home environment (and neighbors) can stand a vocal cat so go ahead. If not, think twice. If you want loud, vocal cats, go for these breeds: Siamese Cat, the Korat, and Burmese. On the quiet side, go for: The Scottish Fold, Somali, and the American Curl

2. Hug or distant?

A cuddly cat needs more attention, so if you have the time, by all means, go for this race. The cuddly and affectionate cats are usually better with children than more
reserved breeds. But if you do not time, then the reserved or aloof breed instead. Some toy breeds are the Snowshoe, Abyssinian, Maine Coon,
Ragdoll, Tonkinese, and the Himalayan Persian. More distant and reserved breeds are the Norwegian Forest Cat, the Nebelung, and the Russian Shorthair.
3. Naughty or even funny?

There are some breeds such as the Sphynx, Siamese, Rex, Balinese, and British Angora may cause some mischief. They are very inquisitive and energetic. Love them or hate them. If you like bread less volatile than avoid them.

4. Long hair or short hair?

If you do not have much time to spend with your cat, you can choose a short-haired cat breed, because it requires less time for treatment. An adult long-haired cat. nice looking though, requires much attention in the care and up to a lot of your time.

Taking into account all the different functions and features for the breeds you are interested in, you are now ready to begin searching for your new pet. You must decide whether you want a kitten or if you prefer an abandoned older cat a second chance.

If you are looking for a particular breed of kitten, see your local cat show, since most exhibitors have a few kittens for sale. If an older cat to you, give your local humane society or animal rescue of a conversation.

Other things associated with cats: You can also get to know more about link1%%. Later, you may also want some link2 link2%%%% and get.
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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cat Breeds - Which One is The Right For You?

There are many cat breeds out there. If you are like most people, you don’t know much about them. In order to help you to make a choice about breeds, here is some useful information.

Do you want a cat that can entertain himself and not get into mischief? Then don’t consider the Sphynx, the Rex, the British Angora and the Siamese. These cats are energetic and seem to be looking for trouble. For those who are looking for a cat to provide them with entertainment, these are a good choice. The Rex is a silly cat as it will attempt to amuse you.
There are other important features to consider as well. For example, if you want a long haired or a short haired cat. Those who do not have the time to groom the pet daily should not choose a long haired cat. Those who choose a long hair need to realize the commitment in taking care of that coat. If you do not, it can tangle and matt up and need to be shaven. And, it can pose a health risk too.

Vocal cats are often something that many people either consider or want nothing to do with. They can be quite noisy. Many cat owners do not have a problem with them, others realize that communicating with them is necessary and that in some cases, it isn’t the right choice.

Vocal/Noisy Cat Breeds:-


Quiet Cat Breeds:-

American Curl
Scottish Fold

Attitude is your next determining factor. Some cats enjoy being held and cuddled while others want nothing to do with humans at all. Some cats want the attention while others do not. Choosing which the right one for you is a much is.

Affectionate Breeds are great for children:

Maine Coon
Himalayan Persian

Reserved Breeds:

Russian Shorthair
Norwegian Forest Cat

Lastly, choose if you would like to go with a kitten or an abandoned older cat. Remember that kittens need to be trained but that adult cats can already be set in their ways. You can find many breeds of kittens to choose from at the local cat show and you can look for them at your local humane society as well. These cats need homes and these organizations are usually full to the brim with them.
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Top 10 Most Popular Pedigreed Cat Breeds?

Pedigreed cats are a source of joy and pride for their owners. Besides their gorgeous coats, beautiful lines and great disposition, these animals offer companionship and entertainment to those who lPersianove them. Choosing a pedigreed cat is not easy, but knowing the most popular breeds of pedigreed cats may help.

1. Persian

Persian cats are known for their beautiful long coats and open faces. They were originally in Iran and were transported to the rest of the world along with exotic spices and fine jewels. Cat breeders and owners of Persian cats enjoy their gentle dispositions and quiet voice.

Persian cats are best suited to living indoors because of their long coats. The coat of a Persian cat requires considerable maintenance, but Maine Coonthis breed is very hardy and long life.

2. Maine Coon

The origin of the Maine Coon Cat is something of a miracle. Less a product of the work of cat breeders than the result of natural selection,
the Maine Coon originated in North America and is known for its excellent ability mouse.

Also known for her loving attitude and keen intelligence, the Maine Coon is a beautiful long-haired breed. These cats are wonderful with children and good with dogs.

3. Exotic
The Exotic is a variant of the Persian breed. Exotic cat breeders strive to meet standards of the Persian cat in all areas except coat. Here, the Exotic is different from its higher-maintenance cousin. Exotic cats have a short, easy to care for coat.

Quiet, with a soft, gentle voice, these cats are great pets. They are not demanding but are playful and sweet. Exotics are also clean and mature later than other cat breeds. These cats physically resemble a teddy bear or other stuffed animal and make wonderful family pets.

4. Abyssinian

Similar to the images of cats in ancient Egypt, the Abyssinian has a beautiful arched neck, slanted eyes, prominent ears, and a powerful, muscular body. The extremely short hair of this breed makes it distinctive and easy to maintain.

Besides their appearance, the Abyssinian has a personality that is unique and easily identified by a cat breeder or educated enthusiast. Abyssinian are known for their remarkable intelligence, amazing sensitivity, and personal attitudes.

5. Siamese
Originally from Thailand, Siamese cats are easily identified by their distinctive coats and markings. The color contrast on their coats is remarkable, and the structure of their body is unique. Cat breeders strive for an animal with a wedge-shaped head, long, muscular body and a long neck and tail production.

The coat on Siamese cats is very short easy to care for, making this race a low-maintenance pet. They are first-rate communicators with a distinctive voice and clear body language. Siamese cats love people and extremely attached to their loving owners.

6. Ragdoll

A large cat with a relaxed atmosphere, the Ragdoll has long hair and striking blue eyes. When breeding Ragdolls, a cat breeder focused on producing animals with spectacular, pointed coats, affectionate personalities, and a great body. These animals love people and usually want to be close to their owners.

The coat of a Ragdoll cat requires regular maintenance, but otherwise, these animals require no special care. They were developed in the 1960s as cat breeders bred domestic longhaired cats and other free-roaming felines.

7. Sphynx
The result of a 1966 natural genetic mutation, the Sphynx is a cat that is sometimes entirely without hair. Cat Breeders have worked hard to breed is very hardy and has few health problems.

Sometimes there is fine downy hair present on the nose, tail or body of the cat. The Sphynx has a friendly personality and is very curious and attention-oriente
d. In the absence of hair on this breed, it requires bathing. However, some people with cat allergies find that they tolerate a Sphynx.

8. Birman

Originally from Burma, where it was held as a sacred animal, the Birman is a large, stocky animal with long hair. The coat of the Birman is not prone to matting, making it easier to provide than some other breeds.

The personality of the Birman is considered nearly ideal by many cat owners and cat breeders: at once sweet, quiet, playful and energetic. The long coat is tipped and is generally a light color with a golden glow. The eyes of this breed are very round and blue.

9. American Shorthair
American Shorthair
Known for their spectacular nature, the American Shorthair is a breed that makes a wonderful companion. This breed is very healthy, with a long life, quiet, and good looking.

Data show that the American Shorthair originally called the Domestic Shorthair, "came to America on the Mayflower. Cat Breeders have worked for years to ensure that these animals are the desired qualities for the breed, despite their physical similarities to ordinary, non-pedigree animals.

10. Oriental
Devoted to their owners, and interested in a part of all daily activities, Orientals make great pets. They are bred to be curious and intelligent, and colorful, distinctive coats and long thin tails.

Cat breeders have been able to produce over 300 different patterns and colors of Orientals, making the selection of these animals are very diverse. They are also known for their large, open ears and almond shaped eyes.
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Information For Domestic Cat Breeds

Do you own a cat but you do not know which race makes the best pet and you have no idea what to do? You can find all the information you need to research online, including what breed the best with your own personality.

One thing you must consider is that if you want a cat inside or outside. Outdoor cats are those who are smarter and stronger, something they need so they can survive. If the cat is small, it should be kept inside the ho
use, so it does not become food for wild animals
or large birds. If you have a tomcat is a large breed that survives well outdoors. There is some information of domestic cat breeds.

Persian cats: This race has been around for a very long time. The good part about them is that they are kind and gentle, but they also have a chance of getting allergies or other health problems. When there are people around her happy to play, but in most cases it is not a very fun race. They also enjoy being around other cats and will play with them. There are many colors that could find their way on a cat fur as white, brown, black or a mixture of different colors. The Himalayan is a breed of Persian cats.

The Manx Breed: some of the things people know about this chat is that it has no tail or he has a big one. This is the reverse of this breed of cats. In some cases, the Manx have different parasites or worms, because it is not protected by the tail and it is not cleaned properly.

However, the Isle of Man is a good race, so you should not avoid it altogether. These cats are very playful and intelligent and they can even go looking for things, like a dog does when you play with him. They do love human company when they need them around. If you leave the house for long periods of time you should have another cat to play with the Manx, because they do not like being alone. If there are children in the house, then the ideal environment for them.

What you read above is of three types of cat breeds to choose from. There are many other breeds of cat to you, and you can choose the one that suits your lifestyle best. While most cats are smart and social, some are more solitary type. In most cases, the cat is the one who decides when it needs attention, not the master.

The American Short Hair cat can take many different colors in the models. In fact, nearly 80 different models of color are recognized in this race. This is an all-weather cat that is dense, but not dull. It must be brushed regularly to remove dead hair, if the cat is not himself married.

There are also many personality characteristics in Domestic Short Hairs from the stereotypical aloofness to the surprisingly friendly and social. It is a fairly healthy breed (part of his family cat), it is relatively low maintenance breed, requiring nothing more than health care routine. However, some domestic short Hairs are prone to excess, it is important to give them the opportunity to exercise and play. Those who cannot (or not) engage in the exercise should have closely followed his diet to avoid potential problems related to obesity.
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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Temperament of Cats

First, a domestic cat is very intelligent and fiercely independent creature. There can never be on a leash the dog track. They wondered what they want, such as food and play. And they will also reveal when they want to be left alone. Thus, the owner of a cat cannot expect their pet to do "work" for him.

Different type breeds of cats have different personalities. Some cats are quiet while others meowing all the time. Can you tolerate a cat meow almost every hour? Some cats are fussy and selective on the food you give them, while others eat almost anything. Can you
afford the type of food your cat prefers? Some cats are not pet and being surrounded by strange people, while others exercise their claws if they are faced with someone they have not met before. Does your home or too many foreigners, are you alone most of the time? And some cats love to climb and buckle on the lap of their masters. But others prefer to be alone, watching television or listening to the radio. Are you the owner of a cat who loves to caress all the time?

You will know when your cat is trying to attract your attention. It is always you, or meow, you follow him around his body or rubbing against your leg. You can also find out if your cat is comfortable or scared by the lifting of your cat. If the body is tense, then something is scaring the daylights out of it.

Personality and breed of cats will determine if the cat decides to sleep. Some, like being in isolated places where nobody can disturb. They like to lie in the cupboards and similar places. Other breeds of cats like to sleep in places where everyone converges. So they sleep in the center of the home, in the middle of the stairs and even on the couch, especially when there are guests.

Claws of cats very sharp. It is their nature, similar to wild cats such as lions, tigers, leopards and cheetahs. This May irritate the owner, especially if the cat decided to sharpen its claws on the couch. May consider the owner to give the spade a scratching post.
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