One thing you must consider is that if you want a cat inside or outside. Outdoor cats are those who are smarter and stronger, something they need so they can survive. If the cat is small, it should be kept inside the ho

or large birds. If you have a tomcat is a large breed that survives well outdoors. There is some information of domestic cat breeds.
Persian cats: This race has been around for a very long time. The good part about them is that they are kind and gentle, but they also have a chance of getting allergies or other health problems. When there are people around her happy to play, but in most cases it is not a very fun race. They also enjoy being around other cats and will play with them. There are many colors that could find their way on a cat fur as white, brown, black or a mixture of different colors. The Himalayan is a breed of Persian cats.
The Manx Breed: some of the things people know about this chat is that it has no tail or he has a big one. This is the reverse of this breed of cats. In some cases, the Manx have different parasites or worms, because it is not protected by the tail and it is not cleaned properly.
However, the Isle of Man is a good race, so you should not avoid it altogether. These cats are very playful and intelligent and they can even go looking for things, like a dog does when you play with him. They do love human company when they need them around. If you leave the house for long periods of time you should have another cat to play with the Manx, because they do not like being alone. If there are children in the house, then the ideal environment for them.
What you read above is of three types of cat breeds to choose from. There are many other breeds of cat to you, and you can choose the one that suits your lifestyle best. While most cats are smart and social, some are more solitary type. In most cases, the cat is the one who decides when it needs attention, not the master.
The American Short Hair cat can take many different colors in the models. In fact, nearly 80 different models of color are recognized in this race. This is an all-weather cat that is dense, but not dull. It must be brushed regularly to remove dead hair, if the cat is not himself married.
There are also many personality characteristics in Domestic Short Hairs from the stereotypical aloofness to the surprisingly friendly and social. It is a fairly healthy breed (part of his family cat), it is relatively low maintenance breed, requiring nothing more than health care routine. However, some domestic short Hairs are prone to excess, it is important to give them the opportunity to exercise and play. Those who cannot (or not) engage in the exercise should have closely followed his diet to avoid potential problems related to obesity.
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