Cats are the 2nd most popular pet animals after dogs. Cats are known for their courteous appearance and royal looks. They are truly pretty pets and though they do not put on their hearts on their sleeves, they prove to be excellent companions. Cats are very popular along with women and children. Cats might be fussy pets; however you will love to fuss around your kitty.
There are several different kinds of cats’ breeds and you have a large selection of domestic cats to choose from as pets. There are mainly 3 types of cats, the domestic long hair cats, short hair cats and hairless cats. There are no cats which are completely hairless, but the length and number of hair on these cats is actually fewer as compared to other cats.
You may have heard of mad cats or bored cats or perhaps naughty kind of cats. However have you heard of different kind of cat breeds? The following list will complete all kinds of cats which will assist broaden your horizon about the types of cats which are adopted world over.
List of all Kinds of Cats
Before we start enlisting the many different kinds of cat breeds; let us know about some tips which will help you make a decision concerning the best cat breed for you. You have to understand the temperament of the cat and notice if it tones up your lifestyle. You must consider whether you want a large cat or small cat and the time you are able to spend to work out your cat. You ought to also consider if the cat will be companionable with children in your home and if someone in the family is allergic to cat dander. If you are considering a long haired cat, then you must be able to spend sufficient time for cat grooming. Taking these tips under consideration, let us start enlisting all kinds of cats.
Types of Cats - Long Hair
- Alpine Lynx
- American Bobtail
- Asian Semi-longhair (or Tiffanie)
- Balinese Cats
- Birman
- British Longhair
- Chantilly/Tiffany Cat
- Desert Lynx
- Highland Lynx
- Himalayan Cats
- Jaguarundi Curl
- Javanese
- Maine Coon
- Nebelung
- Norwegian Forest Cat
- Oriental Longhair
- Persian Cats
- Ragdoll and Ragamuffin
- Siberian
- Somali
- Turkish Van Cats
- Turkish Angora Cats
- York Chocolate Cat
Types of Cats - Short Hair
- Abyssinian Cat
- Alpine Lynx
- American Shorthair
- Australian Mist (or Spott Mist)
- Bombay
- British Shorthair
- Burmese Cats
- Burmilla
- California Spangled Cat
- Chartreux Cats
- Colorpoint Shorthair
- Desert Lynx
- Highland Lynx
- Egyptian Mau
- European Shorthair
- Exotic
- Havana Brown
- Jaguarundi Curl
- Korat
- Ocicat
- Oriental Shorthair
- Russian Blue
- Siamese (and Traditional Siamese or Applehead Siamese)
- Singapura
- Snowshoe
- Sokoke
- Tonkinese
Types of Cats - Cross Breeds
- Alpine Lynx
- Bengal Cat Breed
- Chausie
- Desert Lynx
- Highland Lynx
- Jaguarundi Curl
- Savannah cat breed
- Serengeti
- Toyger
Types of Cats - Mutation Breeds
- American Bobtail
- American Curl
- American Wirehair
- Cornish Rex
- Cymric
- Devon Rex
- German Rex
- Japanese Bobtail
- Kurilian Bobtail
- LaPerm
- Manx Cats
- Munchkin Cats
- Ojos Azules
- Peterbald
- Pixie-bob
- Selkirk Rex
- Scottish Fold
- Sphynx
What Kinds of Cats are Hypoallergenic?
There is no cat which is completely hypoallergenic, however there are a few cats which shed less than the others and hence are called as hypoallergenic. The following list of dissimilar kinds of cats breeds which are termed as hypoallergenic cat breeds. You can read more on cats for people with allergies.
- Balinese
- Oriental Shorthair
- Javanese
- Devon Rex
- Cornish Rex
- Sphynx
- Siberian Cats
- Russian Blue Cats
These are many different kinds of cats’ breeds which have showed to be the finest pets around the world. The long hair cats and short hair cats all have vary characters and temperaments. Lots of people bring home a cat under the thought whether these animals have small maintainability pets as compared to dogs. This is right, but only to a few extents. Cats also have their particular needs and requirements and cat health is a main problem. A fine cat care will make sure your cat remains healthy and happy. But an uncared for cat might suffer from several heath problems.
When you bring home a cat, remember that you will no longer be the master of your own home. Once the cat starts to faith you, it will take over your home. You will take pleasure in having a cat as a pet as these playful and inquisitive creatures will always be up to something interesting.
Cats are capable of cleaning themselves and they definitely hate to be dirty. Being a responsible owner, your cat's cleanliness depends greatly on you. Grooming for pets is very important because it ensure your cat's cleanliness and health. But it doesn't mean that you have to regularly spend a lot of money to let professionals do the grooming for you. Owners are able to do some simple grooming themselves and this should be done on a regular basis.
Cat Grooming
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