If you are considering buying a cat or a kitten, you want to know more about some of the most popular breeds of cat, to help you make an informed decision about the type of adoption. What kind of cat are you drawn to?

Each cat breed has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, the Himalayas and elegant Ragdoll cats have fur, but they require more grooming. And the Siamese and Persian are regal carriage, but Siamese cats are very vocal, which will be problematic if you have a young child trying to sleep.
Some of these races you might consider Abyssinian cats, which look much like a Siamese, with the exception of coloring; Exotic Shorthairs, which have the appearance of royalty, with less fur, Maine Coon cats with their trademark or missing stubby tail; Bengals, who are in fact a hybrid between a Bengal cat and a domestic cat. Bengal cats should be handled with a lot of kittens and cats, or some of them return to wilderness.
Burma may be the cat for you if you are looking for an intelligent and active cat. They generally get along well with children, and they even give the dogs a chance.
Another of the family of races is the Turkish Angora cat. This race seems to require a groomer on call, but in fact, you can answer this cat needs a coat, once-through every day. These cats are very playful and gentle, and they are great pets.
The American Shorthair is the descendant of the first litter of cats in America with the Puritans. They are excellent hunters of rodents and are often very active and curious. They are adorable and easy and may adapt to other cats, dogs and children.
The Ocicat is a human cat breed, which Siamese and Abyssinian breeds in its background. It is considered a short-haired, and is very active and affectionate, but it looks a little on the wild side. May it welcomes visitors, and is dedicated and loyal to its owners.
Devon Rex cat is a short, thin and soft coat, big eyes and wide. Their coat is curly, but short enough that you can wash without a brush, using a glove rather mild. These cats have their history in England, but they have been bred at the American Shorthair to propagate the race in the United States.
Whatever the breed of cat you check in, try your best to choose a cat that fits your family and your routine. A large number of bad results can be avoided if you do your research first.
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